Loota / NEW ALBUM “Gradation”
<Gradation Tee Bundle (Includes CD, T-shirt)>
〇KOHH “UNTITLED”を購入する場合:
〇For people outside of Japan:
When you want to ship the items to outside of Japan, you have to use the international shipping service such as “tenso.com”. To use tenso.com, read carefully《English Instruction》part.
CD情報 / CD Infomation
■Loota “Gradation”
《Track list》
- Aoi Sora
- Mirror feat. KOHH
- Another Card
- 回転木馬のデッド・ヒート feat. mojomossomen
- Endless feat.KOHH
- Kurai Bright feat. Vito Foccacio
- Flying Pig feat. mojomossomen
- Anywhere
- One feat. Charity
- Good Night feat. YTG
- Keep My Family Close
サイズチャート・商品素材 / SIZE CHART・MATERIAL
- ◆お支払い方法
- ・ご注文確定後のお支払い方法の変更はできません。
- ・お支払い方法にクレジットカードを選択される場合、デビッドカード、プリペイドカードのご利用はご遠慮ください。
- ◆商品の発送
- ・配送日指定はできません(配送時間の指定は可能)。配送会社に商品を引渡したタイミングで【ご注文商品の発送のお知らせ】メールをお送りします。そちらをもって発送完了となりますので、あわせてご確認ください。
≪English Instruction≫
Please be advised that we have no translating function from Japanese to other languages. We recommend you use translators on the web such as Google translating etc. as necessary.
- ◆Purchasing
- -You can NOT purchase KOHH's items together with Loota’s because their shipping dates are different.
- ◆Shipping
- -When you ship items abroad, you are firstly required to sign up on the international forwarding shipping service such as “tenso.com”. Be sure to confirm your specific free address given by these services after signing up.
- You can go to “tenso.com” service by clicking HERE (jump to external web site).
- * Note that those international transfer shipping service is independent of us. We are only responsible for delivering the items to your specific Japanese free address on the international forwarding shipping services.
- -You can NOT choose the shipping date. We will email you after handing over the items to the delivery services since we will complete our preparation for shipping.
- ◆Payment
- -You are allowed to choose only credit cards when shipping your order abroad. Don't choose any of (cash on
delivery)”, “GMO 後払い(deferred payment)” or Amazon Pay which is only available on Amazon Japan.
These card brands below are available:
* Please refrain from purchasing with debit card or prepaid card.
■The instruction on how to purchase:
STEP1. Choose the items & Add to cart
Click the button of “カートに入れる(add to cart)” in the product page. As a next step, click “元の画面に戻って買い物を続ける(back to the previous page and continue shopping)” in order to purchase other items with your order all together. If you want to order KOHH’s item together, return to the previous page, by clicking the link of “アーティストページはこちら(here is the artist page)” below the artist name. Then you can check the list of all items of KOHH.
Click the red button “ご購入手続きへ進む(proceed with purchasing process)” after you make sure that the items and the quantity of your order in your cart are correct.
STEP2. Sign up or Login
Choose the way of going to next step depending on your situation:
- Login (For Store member)
Fill out your e-mail adress and password and log in from“ログイン(login)” - Purchase WITHOUT signing up
Click “会員登録せずに購入(purcahse without signing up)”and go to the next page. - Purchase with signing up
Click “新規会員登録(registering membership)”and enter your e-mail address and press the submit button. Then click the URL in the e-mail you will get from us and fill in your information on the form.
You need to fill in the specific free address given by the international forwarding shipping services instead of your overseas address, which is why you have to firstly register on the international forwarding shipping services.
Please fill that specific address as your real address you live in.
You can go to “tenso.com” the international forwarding shipping service by clicking the banner below:
STEP3. Complete Shipping & Payment Info
Fill out the form of “ご注文方法の指定(input shipping & payment info)”, and click the red button of “設定して注文の確認画面に進む(go to the order confirming page)”. Notice you can only select credit cards for the payment for sipping to overseas. These brands below are available:
STEP4. Confirm your order & Check out
Fill in your credit card info on the form, confirm your order and then check out by clicking “注文する(check out)”.